
-:¦:- Lots of Pictures! -:¦:- Home! -:¦:- My Files -:¦:- My Videos -:¦:- Christmas 2003 thru 2010 -:¦:- Vacation Page -:¦:- Guest Book -:¦:- My Family Geneology -:¦:- Connor Craig -:¦:- My Wedding -:¦:- Sam's Blog -:¦:- My Hair Links -:¦:- Summer Fun -:¦:- Feeling Lonely? -:¦:- My Fave Churchy Videos -:¦:- Connor's Birthdays -:¦:-

(Please note the only pics on here were scanned by me because I had to make copies for people per their request. That's why these pics were chosen to go on this page.  I have other pics that have other people in them that played an important part in the wedding.  I just don't have them scanned.  It's tedious work to scan and upload all my pics from the wedding.  I assure you that your pics will be uploaded as soon as I can.  Until then, there's one thing I can tell you about this situation: DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF! Nuff said!!!)

Brother Terry Griffith

My Mother Bawled! She wouldn't let me go.

Lighting The Unity Candle

Where's the Fire? LoL

Reading of the Scripture

Taking Our Vows

The Big Kiss

Close Up of The Big One

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